Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Taylor Swift Donates $1 Million To Help Louisiana Flood Victims

More than 40,000 homes destroyed after widespread flooding hit Louisiana.

Flooding in Baton Rouge, as well as other parts of southern Louisiana, has reached epic proportions and numerous celebrities are using their star power to donate, raise awareness, and encourage others to do the same for the families who have lost nearly everything.
Taylor Swift, for one, is reportedly donating $1 million of her own money to aid flood victims. In a statement released on Tuesday, Swift said:
"We began The 1989 World Tour in Louisiana, and the wonderful fans there made us feel completely at home," she said. "The fact that so many people in Louisiana have been forced out of their own homes this week is heartbreaking. I encourage those who can to help out and send your love and prayers their way during this devastating time."
Damage from this historic flood has taken the lives of at least 11 people and has destroyed more than 40,000 homes. Since Friday, over 30,000 people have been rescued and more than 60,000 have registered for disaster aid from the Federal Emergency 

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